viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

4º EP - Ciencias Sociales

¡Buenos días! Ayer en la clase de ciencias sociales de 4º de primaria estudiamos las actividades económicas en España. Aquí os muestro el resumen.
Thursday 6th April 2017
4.Economic activities in Spain.
- Non- working population: the people who can´t work (children, retired or sick people)
- Working  population: the people who are able to work. They can be  employed or unemployed.
Primary sector
-             The people who work to get raw materials from nature. 5%
è  agriculture, cattle raising and fishing.
Secondary sector
-             The people who make products from raw materials. 30%
è  the food industry, the car industry and construction.
Tertiary sector
-             the people who work in the sale of products or services. 65%
è  tourism, transport, commerce and services.

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