viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

3º EP Ciencias Naturales.

Hoy hemos repasado algunos puntos de la unidad 5 (tipos de materia, cambios de estado, materiales y propiedades de los materiales)
Types of matter (pág.81)
-             Pure substance: 1 compound.
-             Mixture: 2 or more substances.
·     heterogeneous: we can see the different ingredients and separate them.
·     homogeneous: we can not see the different ingredients.
Changes of state (pág.83)
-             Melting: solid changes to liquid.
-             Evaporation: liquid changes to gas.
-             Solidification: liquid changes to solid.
-             Condensation: gas changes to liquid.
Materials: (pág.84)
-             Natural materials: they come from living things.
·     Animal origin: leather, silk, wool.
·     Plant origin: wood, cork, cotton.
·     Mineral origin: iron, marble, clay.
-             Artificial materials: they are created by transforming natural

materials into different things. Examples: paper, plastic.
Properties of materials (pág.85)
-             conduct heat: conducen calor.
-             impermeable: impermeables.
-             strong: fuertes.
-             flexible: flexibles.
-             transparent: transparentes.
-    elastic: elásticos.

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